An electric energy meter is a meter used to measure electrical energy, also known as a watt-hour meter, a fire meter, and a kilowatt-hour meter. It refers to a meter that measures various electrical quantities.
Electric energy meters (coin-operated, magnetic card, and electric card), loss energy meters, multi-function energy meters, and smart energy meters.
According to the working principle of electric energy meter: induction (mechanical) electric energy meter, stationary (electronic) electric energy meter, electromechanical integrated (hybrid) electric energy meter
According to the nature of the power meter connected to the power source: AC meter power meter, DC meter power meter
According to the structure of the electric energy meter: integral electric energy meter, split electric energy meter
Connect the phase line according to the electric energy meter: single-phase electric energy meter, three-phase three-wire electric energy meter, three-phase four-wire electric energy meter
Accurate grade according to quasi-electric energy meter: ordinary installation electric energy meter (0.2S, 0.5S,, 2.0 grade) and portable precision electric energy meter (0.01, 0.05, 0.2 grade)
Install and connect according to the electric energy meter: direct connection electric energy meter, indirect connection electric energy meter
Active digital electric energy meter kW · h (commonly known as degree 1kw. The 6th power of h=3.6×10 numerically represents the electric energy consumed by an electrical appliance with a power of 1kw for 1 hour)
Reactive energy meter kvar · h
Character wheel counter window (liquid crystal display window):
The integer and decimal places are in different colors, with a decimal point in the middle; each word wheel has a multiplying coefficient (when there is no decimal point), the LCD display of the multi-function meter has two integers and two decimal places
level of accuracy:
Relative error, represented by a number placed in a circle
Rated current and rated maximum current:
Calibration current: marked on the table as the base current value of the calculated load: I b. Usually, 0.005 times the calibration current is the starting current of the electric energy meter. The greater the calibrated current of an electric energy meter, the smaller the error in the meter's measurement.
Rated maximum current: the maximum current value at which the electric energy meter can work normally for a long time, and the error and temperature rise fully meet the requirements: Imax
Single-phase electric energy meter label: 220V
There are three labeling methods for three-phase meters:
a. Directly connected three-phase three-wire: 3×380V
b. Directly connected three-phase four-wire: 3×380/220V
Electric energy meter constant: the ratio of the relationship between the electric energy recorded by the electric energy meter and the number of turns or pulses of the turntable: r/kWh; imp/kWh
Rated frequency: 50Hz
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